For over four decades, WeLLDesign has been driven by the desire to find the right combination of smart technology and strategic design that make the difference. Over the years, our field has changed, but our philosophy has always remained the same: we love to challenge the now.
We would like to take you through the special moments and groundbreaking products that we have developed over time.

The founding
WeLLDesign was founded as ‘Van Dijk en Eger Engineering Office for Product Development’ by ir. Mathijs van Dijk and ir. Arthur Eger. In the early seventies they were fellow students at the then young faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at the TU Delft.
The agency started out in Gaanderen and Amsterdam and got off to a flying start: Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam (SARA) and Pelgrim cooking and heating appliances immediately became customers for many years. Altrex stairs and Sphinx Ceramics soon followed.
For Laarhoven Design we developed the highly successful Lacet exhibition system, which had an impressive economic life cycle of over 30 years. WeLLDesign found the entrepreneurial spirit at Timmerije in Neede and Enitor in Buitenpost to produce the components of this revolutionary design, using plastics that were new at the time.

Two new locations
The growth of the agency required additional space. In Gaanderen, a fully equipped design studio with workshop was built to build and test models and prototypes. Specially designed for the industrial design process. A new location was also moved into in Amsterdam: a charming space on Kerkstraat was given a makeover and became a design studio.

The famous Royal Hartman garden chair
In 1982 we designed the Royal Club garden chair for Hartman: the first affordable garden chair made of recyclable thermoplastic polypropylene (PP). This groundbreaking design became a worldwide success. At the heart of the design was a chair that combined the appearance of a traditional wooden garden chair with renewed comfort and refined design details that made the design unique and ‘timeless’. These properties were made possible by injection moulding with very large moulds.

The Roulandt bicycle & industrial construction
We invested in the iconic Roulandt recumbent bike. Aart Roelandt's design was made more user-friendly by a slightly higher seat and after much trial and error a series of a few thousand units was eventually produced, which were sold as far as the USA and Australia.
We also founded the EspritHuis association, together with Slokker Bouwgroep and Ubbink in Doesburg, to stimulate consumer-oriented and industrial construction. Mathijs van Dijk had already become acquainted with 'construction' during his graduation project. In collaboration with the Bouwfonds and DSM, he developed a system for heating and ventilation for thermally well-insulated homes with an extremely high insulation value of Rc 5. This made extremely energy-efficient, industrially built terraced houses possible - a groundbreaking achievement at the time. If people had been building in this way from then on, there would have been no gas crisis.

The flower barrel & the Articlean trash bin
The agency grew rapidly and the two offices were centralised at the Huis ter Heideweg in Zeist. There was a need for reinforcement in project management and technical knowledge and for that reason Ingenieursburo voor Produktontwikkeling PI BV from Delft was acquired. With the acquisition, Ir. Rob Willemsen became a partner and the agency name changed to Van Dijk / Eger / Associates B.V.
With PI BV, the groundbreaking design of the flower barrel for Royal Flora Holland (at the time Verenigde Bloemveilingen) was added to the portfolio; it is still in production to this day. For Velopa, PI developed the waste bin ‘Articlean’. This is also still in production to this day. Innovative mattress concepts were devised and tested for Auping.

1986 – 1988
Many 'first of its kind' innovations
We worked on various revolutionary innovations. Often ‘the first of its kind’. The first HR bicycle dynamo for AXA Stenman. For De Woerd we developed the first plastic chain guard. For Bobike the first iconic and successful bicycle seats were developed. For the Frisian bus company we developed a concept for passenger transport to which buses and private individuals with their own cars could contribute. ‘Uber’ avant la lettre, but politically not feasible at the time.
For Inventum we developed packaging for toasters and user-friendly control systems for electric blankets. For Marko we developed school furniture that could be produced with more environmentally friendly production processes. For Holland Elektro we developed the first vacuum cleaner made of polypropylene. Based on a ‘platform approach a facade heater range was developed for DRU and later an open gas fireplace. For Indolec we developed the bathroom fan that is still in production. For Spanninga we developed a ‘fun’ children's bicycle bell.
In samenwerking met CE Delft werden ideeën gegenereerd voor methoden voor afvalverwerking voor de Gemeente Amsterdam. Dertig jaar later, in 2024 komen de ideeën van toen weer van pas en blijken ze nog altijd relevant te zijn.

Expansion to Germany & payment terminals
We opened a branch in Münster, Germany. This allowed us to serve a new market and we immediately acquired several new (German) customers. Subsequently, we developed a magnetic sliding door for Mondoor – presented in the Huis van de Toekomst in Rosmalen by visionary Chriet Titulaer – and since then we have developed various payment terminals for the Belgian Banksys (now Worldline) for 15 years.
In addition, during this period we developed the water stop for Flamco, based on the idea: "Why can't you connect a radiator just as easily as a table lamp?". This later took shape as the 'Safe Tap' for the use of grey water.
The 'topper' mattress was also conceived during a brainstorming session in a project together with Norma and other mattress manufacturers.

A design for the first smartphone
In a workshop on the Leusderheide we came up with the smartphone with touchscreen, revolutionary at the time and never seen before. Ericsson subsequently became a major customer.
The book ‘Designing Flexible Housing Wishes’ was published containing the results of the collaboration within the EspritHuis Association.

Ahrend desk system and more
In 1992, we developed a platform for a desk system for ASPA/Assenburg using our ‘pressure cooker method’. Many variants could be designed based on this platform. The Facility and Mezzo models were also designed based on the platform. Interpolis, Rabobank and VolkerWessels were important customers. After being taken over by Samas and Ahrend respectively, the concept remained successful for 30 years under the name T-line.
Also developed this year was the Van Nelle Esprit: the first table top coffee machine for the B2B market. The first of its kind with which companies could finally serve good coffee.
A long-term collaboration began with JE Stork Air, which continued under the name Zehnder from 2002. We transformed traditional metal ventilation boxes into innovative plastic designs. The agency was at the forefront of technological progress by using the advanced 3D CAD system Pro Engineer.

Expansion to Asia
In 1994 Van Dijk was a speaker at a design congress in Taipei, Taiwan. With our approach to the industrial design process and our ‘European Design’ we were able to win customers in Taiwan and South Korea for 8 years and via Asia later also in the USA.
The Crazy syrup pen
The iconic stroopstift was invented for CSM (now Cosun) and has been a success for over 30 years. You can still find it in supermarkets today, under the brand name ‘Van Gilse Bungel’.

Departure of Arthur Eger
Arthur Eger left the firm and sold his interest to Mathijs van Dijk. Arthur later became professor of Product Design at the University of Twente, where cases from his time at the firm were included as teaching material in the textbooks.

The introduction of the name WeLLDesign
Since 1989, we have been working hard internationally with clients in Germany, Asia, the UK and the USA. The ‘Dutch’ agency name no longer matched our image. ‘Design’ had to be expressed more and also the ‘source’ of innovation and so ‘WeLLDesign’ was born.

The revolutionary Qbe lap computer
For the American Access, WeLLDesign developed the revolutionary Qbe within 9 months. The first laptop with camera, CD player, telephone and touchscreen. To guarantee good heat dissipation and to minimize weight, the – for then – revolutionary magnesium housing was developed. It was named ‘Best of Comdex 1999’, the leading computer show in Las Vegas. The Qbe was produced for an exceptionally long time for an electronic product.
Around the same year, the highly successful Axia office chair was also designed for BMA Ergonomics.

Rond 2000
Technique for Senseo
For Douwe Egberts we developed the entire technology for the Senseo. The first prototypes were manufactured using the then revolutionary 3D printing technology. We supervised the development of the Senseo up to and including the first field test series of 50 units, which were produced in Hong Kong under our supervision. This groundbreaking device was the first of its kind and formed the basis for further innovations with coffee pad technology.
Technique for the Heineken tap
For Heineken we developed the David tap system, intended for B2B. The concept was developed and put on paper in an intensive Pressure Cooker trajectory that lasted a whole week. This innovative system was the first of its kind: a hygienic dispenser where the ‘consumable’ does not come into contact with the tap system itself. An important requirement was that the system had to be ‘drunken barkeeper proof’. The tap system is still in production.

Bevyz Multi Drink System
In 2004 we developed the revolutionary Multi Drink System for Bevyz. WeLLDesign was awarded the contract after a successful pitch in which we came up with innovative – now patented – solutions for emptying a cup with syrup and a ‘weak seal’ in the cup, which defines the place where the syrup flows out of the cup.
The system makes it possible to prepare hot, cold and carbonated drinks from syrups.
Whirlpool has acquired a license and is now selling the appliance under B-Blend in South America. The American Keurig has bought Bevyz out of the market.
In 2025, WeLLDesign is still developing groundbreaking dosing & dispensing systems for both hot and cold drinks.

Construction innovations
From 2010 to 2013, WeLLDesign conceived and developed in detail the industrial construction concept ‘MorgenWonen’ for VolkerWessels. The first of its kind and the benchmark for industrial construction. Many construction companies followed suit. The associated myCuby bathroom system was also conceived and developed and taken up by De Mors Timmerfabriek. Based on the design, they developed the automated production process.

Electronic access control for Salto
In 2012, the groundbreaking design for the electronic door locks for Salto Sytems is developed. The success of this development resulted in enormous growth for the company.

Waste problem for the municipality of Amsterdam
From 2023 onwards, we considered various challenges surrounding waste for the municipality of Amsterdam: from litter around containers to completely new logistics. The ideas we developed in the eighties became more relevant than ever.

Management transfer
Mathijs van Dijk will hand over the daily management and from 1 January Arjan Oosterhuis, Kai Smit and Luuk Boevink will form the MT of WeLLDesign. Mathijs will still remain active, but the daily ins and outs will be led by this newly appointed MT.
Biobased construction materials
From 2024 onwards, we will delve into the application possibilities of biobased fibres for thermal insulation in buildings, the production of 3D moulded parts and the application of plastics based entirely on biopolymers.
Our largest 3D print ever
In 2024, we also completed our largest ever 3D printed prototype for Cell Recovery, in collaboration with Fiberneering, pushing our own boundaries in prototyping.

The mission of WeLLDesign remains to make a difference by developing progressive innovations that – with an eye-catching design – have a long economic life cycle and therefore yield a strong return for our customers. Often the development goes hand in hand with business development.
The wealth of knowledge we have acquired over the past decades means we know how to innovate like no other and continue to push boundaries. Now and in the future.

What is your design challenge?
Do you have a design challenge or issue? We are ready to get started for you. Contact us to explore the possibilities.