A project to look forward to
SPECSTACULR™ is launched on Kickstarter! WeLLDesign was involved from the very first beginning of SPECSTACULR™. With intuitive (brainstorming i.e.) and systematic (morphology i.e.) ideation in co-creation with the client, we designed the working principle. Subsequently, multiple prototypes (or Proof Of Principles) were developed in an iterative process. Each POP complemented the previous version to determine the vast array of variables. Click here.

SPECSTACULR™ is a fully automated device that cleans your spectacles. The single hand operation allows for easy in-car usage. From the outside, the device looks like a luxurious spectacle case. Open case, place glasses, close case, lock, and activate. Within a minute you can look through clean glasses again. Click here for the website of SPECSTACULR™.

Since Januray 21st a Kickstarter campain was launched for SPECSTACULR™. Kickstarter is a crowd funding platform to determine whether a project is interesting enough for further development and market launch. Interested parties can “back” the project. Withing the first 3 hours, SPECSTACULR™ had already 11 backers! On Kickstarter Kickstarter page all relevant information can be found.
There you can read that a final phase of development is necessary. Therefore WeLLDesign keeps closely involved with this project. Our expertise and knowledge regarding SPECSTACULR™ goes deep. We know all the ins and outs of this project like no other. From the outside it looks sophisticated, te inside is filled with ingenious technology.