
WeLLDesign supported working from home already before the corona crisis.


Working from home is for WeLLDesign a fact for over a month now. Luckily, WeLLDesign supported working from home and flexible working hours already before the corona crisis. Therefore, this adaptation was easy to make. Although we miss the cooperation in the studio, all projects can keep on going. Consulting and discussions are held digitally. When prototyping needs to occur in the Workspace or execute assembly and tests in our lab, we keep the one and a half meters distance.


Now, we are fully used to the new situation and well adapted to each other. It feels like we haven’t worked in any other way. In fact it is less than two months. Although WeLLDesign always supported working from home, this “new way of working” feels a little different. It asks more planning skills. Sparring sessions on-the-spot can only occur through video calls and screen sharing. When prototyping on-the-spot the various personal protection equipment (overals, glasses and dust masks) are grabbed instantly. This gives us -and eventually everyone- more safety.

Bram van der Veen can still prototype safely in our labOur interns could still progress. Even though they missed the special atmosphere that comes with doing an intern at a company.

At the same time, they learned a lot. Besides their specialized development and design skills, they also acquired a lot of self-knowledge and learned to work solitary.

Coronaproof ChatKot in Heel Europa zorginstelling
De transparante scheidingswand in het ChatKot Model A zorgt voor intiem contact en een compleet beeld van de gesprekspartner.

The nice thing about designers, is their solution based thinking. Not thinking about problems, but looking for solutions and opportunities. This corona crisis offers opportunities for development and valuable innovation in fields like Health and Building, two of WeLLDesign’s main pillars. ChatKot Corona brings up a behavioral change and behavioral change offers chances for innovation. That is why WeLLDesign can keep on going full steam ahead. So also in this period innovatio continues; the drive is to come out better from this situation.

So if you have an idea that you would like to see realized, or an issue that asks for an innovative solution. Please, feel free to

Lees here het interview in De Vonk van het Financieel Dagblad.

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