Manon Milner has been working with us as an industrial designer for two weeks. An asset to the team and we would therefore like to introduce her to you:
Manon is an acquaintance of ours and is back in service after a year. Over the past year she has worked as a project leader and designer for another design agency, where she gained a lot of knowledge that she now brings back to WeLLDesign. She says: “I was project leader of a multidisciplinary team there. This meant a lot of switching and drawing up efficient and feasible schedules. For example, I have learned a lot about time management and expectation management. Things that I will now use again at WeLLDesign.”
The design profession has always appealed to Manon, even from an early age. “When I was little, I loved going to my grandfather's workshop to open all kinds of appliances and see how they worked. It's actually no surprise that I am now involved in designing and improving products!”
She still likes to be practical. Her favorite part of the design process? “Prototyping! Enjoy working with your hands and being able to quickly test an idea. That's much easier to talk about than looking at something on your screen.”
She has a great interest in designing products that make people's lives better. The realization that she is designing something meaningful always motivates her enormously: “I use my skills together with the team to create products that perfectly meet the needs of a target group, there really is no more fun work!”
She has a clear idea about what she wants to tackle at WeLLDesign. “WeLLDesign has grown strongly and that brings new challenges. I would like to optimize the (work) processes so that WeLLDesign can continue to grow without any problems. I also want to see if we can enter into new interesting collaborations, and… last but not least: make WeLLDesign an even more fun place to work: not entirely unimportant.”
We are proud and happy to have Manon back on our team, and we are really looking forward to seeing her plans become reality.