Robuuste straatveeg-machine voor RAVO

De RAVO 5-series

De straatvegers van Ravo zijn geavanceerde machines die hoge eisen stellen. Het gaat dan om prestatie, geluid, stofuitstoot, duurzaamheid, service en onderhoudskosten. De Ravo 5-series, hoewel succesvol, was al toe aan een uiterlijke en technische update. De uitdaging was om dit te combineren met een aanzienlijke kostprijsverlaging.

Synthetic bodypanels

By convincing Ravo of the effect of synthetic body panels over steel plates that are prone to rust, WeLLDesign managed to give the sweeper a much more dynamic appearance. Noise levels are reduced and service life is increased. Due to easier assembly, manufacturing costs are reduced significantly.

Damage prevention

WeLLDesign took responsibility for the automotive design and basic engineering of the roof and body panels. The design had made the back lights less prone to damages, and both low and high versions link up well to the cab roof.

Adaptations have been realised in close collaboration with Ravo’s own development department over a period of six months.

What is your design challenge?

Do you have a design challenge or issue? We are ready to get started for you. Contact us to explore the possibilities. 

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