
WeLLDesign has all the expertise needed to develop a product from start to finish. Each project is different, so we always assemble a suitable project team based on the required expertise and perspectives. Discover below what we can do for your project.

Strategic Design

At WeLLDesign, we don't see design as a 'layer' added to a product afterward but as an integral part of the entire industrial design process. For this reason, we determine the basis for the design together with the client before we develop the product in detail. Our focus is not only on making it beautiful, but mostly on perfectly conveying the core values where the design is the means to achieve that.

Prototyping & testing

During every design process, we create various prototypes. This allows us to verify assumptions and reflect on the design. For example, we test technical reliability, stress and lifespan, ergonomics, and the interaction between user and product. The feedback from this is used to improve the design. This creates a cyclical process of designing, testing, evaluating, and adjusting. Each prototype brings us one step closer to the optimized design.

Market research

An innovation's success hinges on strategic market positioning. Therefore, we always create a picture of the market: on one hand, through desk research, and on the other hand, by extensively testing competing products. This way, we determine how the product can stand out. By viewing the innovation in the 'bigger picture' of the market, we ensure that it perfectly aligns with the needs of future customers.

Mechanical design

At WeLLDesign, we specialize in designing and developing devices with motion mechanisms. We start with a proof of concept that demonstrates the working principle. Through an iterative design process, the mechanics and housing are developed step by step. By conducting load and durability tests, we ensure that a product functions well over a long period, even under extreme conditions.

Risk analysis

We regularly conduct a risk analysis to determine the likelihood of an innovation's success. We examine issues such as existing patents and legal and regulatory constraints. We also assess the technical risks related to functionality, technical and economic feasibility, and manufacturability. This evaluation helps both us and the client make a well-informed decision about the project's approach and whether or not to continue developing the innovation.

“Door de hulp van WeLLDesign hebben we een volledig nieuwe markt aan weten te boren”

— Anne van Langeveld, CEO


WeLLDesign specializes in co-creation, where users and other stakeholders are actively involved in the design process. This can happen during a co-creation session organized by us, but more often, concepts or ideas are regularly presented to various stakeholders throughout the design process. This results in a product that integrates all perspectives and has proven support within (and outside) the organization.



The design of a product is an integral part of the design process: form and function cannot be seen separately. How a product is experienced depends not only on how it functions but also on the perception the user has of it. Therefore, we design products that are logical, pleasant to use, and aesthetically pleasing. We ensure that the product perfectly conveys the brand identity.

Feasibility study

In a feasibility study, we conduct a detailed evaluation of an innovation's viability. This includes an assessment of technical risks and a financial evaluation. We precisely outline all variable and fixed costs, such as development costs, production costs per unit, cost price, and return on investment. Based on this, it can be concluded whether the innovation is 'viable.'

UX design

An intuitive interface is essential for the perception a user has of a product. By testing with end-users who have no prior knowledge of the product, we check if the operation is logical. With the insights we gain, we tweak the design until it works perfectly. This is important not only for digital interfaces but also for products without a digital interface: after all, even a coffee machine or syrup packaging should be intuitive to use.

Biobased design

More and more often, biobased materials are being used in products, such as injection molding with biobased compounds like PLA or using materials like hemp, miscanthus, or coffee grounds. Besides the environmental benefits, biobased materials often have unique properties (touch & feel, sound dampening, etc.) that are increasingly recognized. We are therefore happy to think along about the possible application of biobased materials in your product or innovation. 

Het WeLLDesign ontwerpproces

Bij WeLLDesign volgen we een ontwerpproces waarbij we verschillende fases doorlopen. Hiermee zorgen we voor een zo efficiënt en effectief mogelijk creatief proces. Benieuwd naar wat we per fase doen? Check het hier

FMEA analysis

We use FMEA analyses (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) to identify potential future failures in a product's design. Each possible failure is assigned a risk score based on the likelihood of occurrence, the severity of consequences, and detectability. These risk scores help in making an informed choice about the improvements to be made. Especially for complex products, FMEA is crucial to prevent unforeseen costs later on.


Using various idea generation techniques such as brainstorming sessions, sketching, design thinking, and morphological overviews, we generate ideas. With our multidisciplinary team with many years of experience in 'lateral' thinking, we always come up with surprising and fresh solutions. Using selection criteria established together with the client, the most promising ideas are then selected. These are developed into concepts through visuals or 3D models.

Problem analysis

During the problem analysis, we form an idea of the design challenge by identifying the requirements the product must meet. Requirements can include cost price, weight, performance, ergonomics, durability, tolerances, or legislation. The sum of all these requirements leads to a design framework at the end of the analysis phase. In consultation with the client, this framework is finalized, and it becomes the starting point for the actual design process.

Design for (dis-)assembly

Designing a product for (dis-)assembly means that the product is designed so that it can be easily and efficiently assembled and disassembled. This could be for easy and low-cost assembly, but increasingly, it is about ensuring that products can be easily repaired and recycled. Therefore, in designing a product, we can take the entire chain into account.


User research

Through user testing, we test our assumptions about ergonomics, ease of use, and design. By observing the user with the product and discussing the experience, we determine where the product can still be improved. We go through the entire customer journey: from unpacking and installing to using and cleaning. This way, we ensure that the design perfectly matches the target audience's needs and is positively received when it hits the market.

“WeLLDesign heeft alle eisen en wensen perfect verwerkt in het uiteindelijke ontwerp”

— Frank Oost, duurzaamheidsmanager


To give a sprint, WeLLDesign regularly uses workshops in the development process. We have years of experience in designing and organizing workshops that are not only very enjoyable and dynamic but also generate a lot of inspiration and ideas. We adapt the focus and main questions of the workshops to your project and goals.

Production support

Once the design is fully developed, we instruct the producers. We oversee the production and assembly of the 'first out of tools' and then the initial production series. Once the initial series is approved, we give the green light for actual production and hand over the project entirely to the client. Because we have a deep understanding of the product's design, we know exactly what to look for, and the intended quality is carefully monitored. 

Product optimalization

It is often necessary to revise a product, even if it has been successful in the market for a while. For example, because the product no longer complies with laws and regulations or because cost reduction is possible. For optimizing a product, we always start with a thorough evaluation. We then draw up a clear plan of action for the intended adjustments, and every design decision is made in close consultation with the client. 


Field testing

With a field test, we evaluate the product in its actual usage environment. This provides insights that cannot be obtained in our workshop and are therefore very valuable. During a field test, we observe how users interact with the product, test the influence of weather conditions, and see how people respond to the product. We collect feedback, and this information then allows us to perfect the product.

Patent research

WeLLDesign regularly conducts thorough research into existing patents. This ensures that we avoid infringing on existing patents. We are also vigilant about the protectability of the innovation developed for our client. To protect our clients' intellectual property rights, we regularly apply for patents. This can be done through the patent office that may already be working with, or it can be done through the patent office that WeLLDesign collaborates with.

Sustainable design

At WeLLDesign, we design sustainable products by striving for relevance, longevity, and timeless design. Additionally, careful considerations are made for aspects such as production methods, transportation, packaging size, and material use. Indirect aspects like energy consumption, repairability, and recyclability are also taken into account. 

Excited to put us to work?

We can't wait to get started for you. Do you already have a specific project in mind, or are you curious about what we could potentially do for you? Feel free to email or call us.


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