
Casual or formal? Go to work by bicycle or still rather take the car? Do you recognize this dilemma? What is a suitable solution for you?

Casual or formal? Go to work by bicycle or still rather take the car? Do you recognize this dilemma? What is a suitable solution for you?

WeLLDesign and Bureau Dwars are in search of partners for the further development of the TurnAround into a producable product. After a succesful project initiation, partners are wanted to get to new and meaningful insights using co-design. A workshop is being organised to accomplish this.

Your expertise is welcome. In what way can we strengthen the bicycle infrastructure and make it more sustainable with the TurnAround? This will be the main question of the workshop.

When: January 22, 2020
Where: Atoomweg 7, 3542AA Utrecht, The Netherlands

10.00h am Presentation and & Re-Thinking
12.30h am Lunch
01.00h pm Design session Re-Imagine
03.00h pm Design session Realise
04.30h pm Presentation & next steps
05.00h pm Closing drinks

Want to participate? You can sign up by sending an e-mail to:

A visual representation of the idea behind the TurnAround

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