
On January the 31st, the jury has announced the 15 nominees for the Rabobank Innovation Challenge 2020.

On January the 31st, the jury – among them was a representative of WeLLDesign – has announced the 15 nominees for the Rabobank Innovation Challenge 2020. These were dispersed over the three categories Circularity, Energy Transition and Smart & Healthy.

On February 12th the nominees pitched. March the 24th the winners will be announced at the Building Holland fair.

The jury has made the 15 nominees for the Rabobank Innovation Challenge public. 89 entries, split across three categories were judged. The jury was impressed about the amount of entries and their quality and after long consideration chose 15 nominees.

For each category there were five nominees that have pitched on February 12th. The winners of these pitches will be announced on the first day of the innovation event Building Holland. This is held from the 24th till 26th of March in the RAI Amsterdam.

Nominated in the category Circularity

Product: Biofoam
Exhibitor: Termokomfort Europe BV
Biofoam is the first biological engineered insulation foam with EPS-like properties. In close collaboration with Isoboud and Synbra, Termokomfort developed a foam based on lactic acid; an organic material. Biofoam has a much lower CO2 footprint compared to other insulation materials and is free from any health risk.

Product: Circulair beton Freement
Exhibitor: Heembouw Kantoren B.V.
Freement is circular concrete that is obtained from exhisting concrete. First applied in the foundations of Heembouw’s office building. This new concrete is harvested from the deconstruction of buildings. It is treated in such a way that the original gravel, sand and even cement becomes available again for new concrete. Resulting in at least 50 percent less CO2 emissions.

Product: Pontiflex, duurzame modulaire fietsbrug
Exhibition: Hotpot Amsterdam bv
The Pontiflex is a new concept for bicycle and pedestrian bridges. These modular bridges are easy to adapt, break down or relocate. The Pontiflex is made from recycled and bioplastic, concrete using no cement, Accoya and FSC-hard wood, out-of-use fishing nets and reusable steel. Combining these materials results in maximal circularity with the least amount of CO2 emission.

Product: Recell
Exhibitor: KNN Cellulose BV
Recell is a composite material that can be used to construct facades, fences and plank bridges. This composite is made from recycled toilet paper (a tertiary cellulose source) mixed with a blend of polymers like recycled HDPE, bio resins, PLA of PHA. The bio composite is competitive in price and has a low environmental impact.

Product: Ceyes
Exhibitor: Ceyes b.v.
Ceyesare are water retention panels that can be applied in green roofs, particulate matter absorbing sonic walls and water buffering on, beneath and in roads. The panels are made from recycled rubber from artificial gras or tires. The absorbing capacity can prevent floods caused by heavy rains. The panels have a life cycle of a hundred years and can be fully recycled at the end.

Nominated in the category Energy transition

Product: Isoskelet
Exhibitor: Kokon Architectuur & Stedenbouw
Isoskelet is a dynamic isolating vacuum construction, produced with circular material. It entails a dynamic insulation value, resulting in maximum insulation during cold winters and warm summers. It can let cold or warmth through in less extreme weather conditions, so an optimal inner climate can be accomplished. This concept fits within the objective of making buildings more intelligent in the outer layer.

Product: Terugwin gevel
Exhibitor: RC Panels Recovery facades are made in an automized assembly lane. A robot applies every desired stone patters. The layers from which the facade is constructed determine the insulation value (Rc 7), strength and water resistance. Because you need to ventilate well when insulating, the facades have a heat recovery unit. Not just the channels, but also the unit itself is included smarlty in the facade. terug win unit. Niet alleen kanalen, maar de unit zelf is slim opgenomen in de gevel.

Product: Warmtepompnet
Exhibitor: Itho Daalderop
The heat pump net makes the use of ground bound heat pumps possible for existing homes. A single loop can serve multiple residences in one block. This net has a maximal CO2 reduction due to its extremely high effectivity. Besides that, it makes it easier for corporations to get approval from tenants for renovation projects, because the pumps cause no noise pollution which is the case with air/water heat pumps.

Product: 4YEF met Energierijk Wonen
Exhibitor: For Your Energy Freedom (4YEF)
Concept for an infrastructure of an energy-positive neighboorhood, where electric driving and car sharing is standard, with underground battery packs and EV Fast Charging close to the heart. When applied to at least 5000 residences, the additional costs of 10% in relation to the NOM are being neutralized, resulting in free available heating, warm water and fuel.

Product: PIM Studio
Exhibitor: Ovvia
PIM Studio is a Building Preserving System that uses the actual energy consumption and the building’s energy label in the utility. This system helps real estate owner to make the right decision looking at prescribed laws and regulation like the Paris Agreement, the obligation for information of July 1st 2019, energy label abligation and C-Label obligation for offices in

Nominated in the category Smart & Healthy

Product: KYP Flow
Exhibitor: KYP Flow B.V.
KYP Flow is a web based programme, connected to an app. KYP Flow prevents inventing a wheel again and again in the building sector. When integrated fully, costs-by-failure reductions between 10 and 15 percent are possible, Resulting in more affordable houses.

Product: Smartenvatten
Exhibitor: Finder Relais Nederland b.v.
Yesly is a switch that can be used to control, without the use of batteries, lighting and other devices in house using Bluetooth technology. The system enables easy convertion of older buildings into smart buildings during a renovation project. The system can be connected to Google and Alexis.

Product: Yesly
Exhibition: Delta Q
Delta Q intelligently controls building management systems, taking the building’s occupation and effects of sun and wind into account. Delta integrates weather forecasts into the analysis. This point differentiates this system from competitors. Using Delta Q results in a reduction of 30 percent on gas usage and 20 percent on electricity.

Product: Delta Q
Inzender: Delta Q
Delta Q stuurt gebouwbeheerssystemen intelligent aan, rekening houdend met de bezetting in het pand en het effect van de zon en wind op het gebouw. Delta integreert weersverwachtingen in de analyse. Met dat laatste punt onderscheidt dit systeem zich van andere aanbieders.Gebruik van Delta Q leidt bij aangesloten panden tot een besparing op gas van 30 procent en op elektriciteit van 20 procent.

Product: Cityshaper
Inzender: Witteveen+Bos
CityShaper is een web-based tool waarmee gemeenten en ontwikkelaars eenvoudig en inzichtelijk de wensen van gebruikers en bewoners van een gebied kunnen ontsluiten. Via een smart design game kunnen participanten met 3D bouwelementen een ontwerp maken, en daarmee input leveren op ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen in hun buurt. CityShaper revolutionaliseert het participatieproces door burgers plaats te laten nemen in de stoel van de ontwerper.

Members of the jury of the Rabobank Innovation Challenge are:

  • Wouter Truffino, Matchmaker Technologie, Holland ConTech & PropTech
  • Marjet Rutten, onderneemster, marketeer, inspirator, schrijfster
  • Mathijs van Dijk, Industrial Designer, WeLLDesign
  • Wietse Walinga, ondernemer, Duurzaam Gebouwd
  • Jan Willem van de Groep, ondernemer, Factory Zero
  • Anke Verhagen, Business Developer, Rabobank Nederland
  • Michael van Zanten, Senior Bouwconsultant, Rabobank.
  • Bas Ambachtsheer, directeur Croonwolter&dros
  • Claudia Reiner, vicevoorzitter, Techniek Nederland
  • Richard Klein, directeur, Building Holland

Naast deze leden waren vervangers:

  • Stephanie Duque, Holland Contech Proptech
  • Desmond Hughes, Factory Zero
  • Douwe van den Wall Bake, Croonwolter&dros
  • Anke Verhagen, Business Developer, Rabobank Nederland
  • Michael van Zanten, Senior Bouwconsultant, Rabobank.
  • AntoonOosterhuis, New business development, WeLLDesign

Building Holland 2020

The next Building Holland expo can be visited from 24th to 26th of March 2020 in the RAI Amsterdam. For three days, up-to-date themes like digitalizing, energy transition and circularity are being highlighted. There are three innovation boulevards with around 200 innovations. 250 stands can be visited on the exposition floor. For more information:

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