Infrarood prikhulp Vasculuminator voor UMCU

Design brief

Young children’s veins are hard to detect due to their subcutaneous baby fat. Having dark skin colour makes it extra tricky. Often, multiple attempts are needed, with possible complications. Professor Ruud Verdaasdonk, himself father of a child with dark skin, came up with the idea productto use infrared light.

UMCU Vasculuminator

Schetsen voor de UMCU Vasculuminator


Industrieel design

In collaboration with the Department of Clinical Physics at Utrecht University Medical Centre (UMCU), WeLL Design developed a mass-produced article in just five months.

gebruikersonderzoek User Survey at the hospital’s vaccination clinic, neonatal unit and oncology department provided insight in how to create an ergonomic and user-friendly device. Our team also developed the Mechanical Design and Engineering into a Prototype.

UMCU Vasculuminator

De VascuLuminator in zijn geheel, close-up en een exploded view


The product

The Vasculuminator combines an infrared light source with a special camera to show up blood vessels on a monitor. For children, the light is hidden in a toy animal. Use of the Vasculuminator reduces chances of a needle missing its mark from 12% to 2%.

UMCU Vasculuminator

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